- In comparison with other European languages, the MG has several negative particles causing differences:
- In sentences with a verb in the indicative mood the particle «δεν» is used.
- In sentences with a verb in the subjunctve mood the particle «μην» is used
- In a conversation with a disagreement, the particle «όχι» (the opposite of «ναι») is used to denote negation.
- In negative phrases with nouns, adjectives or the present continuous «μην» is used, without the final «-ν».
- ∆ε θέλω καφέ.
- Μην τρως πατατάκια.
- Θέλεις καφέ; Όχι, δε θέλω.
The use of negation a.f.:
In the indicative mood the negative morpheme «δεν» is added before the verb. When a negative sentence is in the future tense «δεν» is placed before the particle «θα»:
ελληνικά | ολλανδικά |
* Δε θέλω παγωτό τώρα. | I don't want ice-cream now. |
Το καλοκαίρι φέτος δεν ήταν ωραίο. | De summer this year was not nice. |
* Δε θα σου δώσω άλλα λεφτά γι'αυτό το έργο. | I'm not going to give you money anymore for that job. |
*Δε θα έρθω αύριο. | I will not come tomorrow. |
Είτε κερδίσεις είτε χάσεις, δε με νοιάζει. | Either you win or loose, I don't care. |
* Δε θέλει να μας δεχτεί σήμερα. | He does not want to welcome us today. |
* The final «-ν» is placed in front of vowels, in front of the next consonants: κ, π, τ, ξ, ψ and in front of the next combinations of consonants: μπ, ντ, γκ, τσ, τζ
Another use of «δεν»:
ελληνικά | αγγλικά |
1Oύτε και τώρα δεν μπορώ να θυμηθώ το όνομά του. | Even now I can not remember his name. |
2Oύτε καν δε διαβάζει εφημερίδα. | He doesn't read the newspaper at all. |
3Δεν πρέπει να πας και δε θα πας. | You should not go and you will not go. |
4Δε δουλεύει μόνο τη μέρα αλλά και τη νύχτα. | He/she does not only work during the day but also at night. |
5Mήπως δε θέλεις να τους συνοδεύσεις; | Maybe you do not want to accompany them? |
6Έχω αγωνία μήπως δεν προλάβω το τρένο. | I am afraid that I might not catch the train. |
7Eάν δεν έχανες την ψυχραιμία σου, δε θα γινόταν καβγάς | If you had not lost your temper, it wouldn't had been a quarrel. |
8Aν και δεν είναι πλούσιοι, ζουν άνετα. | Although they are not rich, they are living comfortably. |
9Πρόσεξε να μην κοιμηθείς και δεν ακούσεις το κουδούνι. | Be careful that you are not sleeping and don't hear the bell. |
10Ένα κιλό φτάνει και δε φτάνει. | One kilogram may be enough, but also not. |
11Ήταν και δεν ήταν δέκα η ώρα, όταν φτάσαμε. | It may have been ten o'clock when we arrived. |
12Eίχα δεν είχα κέφι θα πρέπει να τους συνοδεύω. | I was not too eager to have to accompany them. |
13Όσα είχαν και δεν είχαν τα δώσανε στον αγώνα. | They gave everything in the match. |
14Δε νομίζω πως δε θα έρθει | It did not seem like he will not come. |
- Used with the conjunction «ούτε» - (sent. 1 + 2).
- With an emphasized negation (sent. 3).
- A positive used negation - (sent. 4).
- In an interrogative sentence, which shows a possible refusal - (sent. 5).
- In a sentence in which doubt is expressed (sent. 6).
- In a subordinate clause the negation is depending on the action of the verb, which usually expresses a fact or anything unequivocally - (sent. 7 and 8).
- In sentence 9, the difference between the use of «δεν» and «μην» can be seen clearly. The first part of the sentence is in the subjunctive mood and the last in the simple future tense (2nd stem) of the indicative mood.
- By repeating a positive verb negatively (usually with «και») is indicated that something has been done with much effort, something has been successful in the nick or something might be true - (sent. 10 and 11).
- Through a repetition in the first part of the sentence the next part indicates an opposite relation or a reinforced meaning - (sent. 12 and 13).
- The meaning of sentence 14 is: he certainly will come, i.e. that two denials in one sentence is equal to a strong affirmation.
The particle «μην» is placed after the particles «να» and «ας» of the subjunctive mood:
ελληνικά | αγγλικά |
Να μην πιστεύεις όλα σου λένε. | You should not believe all they tell you. |
Λέω να µην πάω στο σινεµά. | I say that I don't go to the cinema. |
Ας µη φάμε τα πατατάκια. | Let's not eat potato chips. |
Να μην της δώσεις άλλα λεφτά. | Don't give her money anymore. |
Nα μην ακούς τι λένε. | Don't listen to what they say. |
Nα μη με ενοχλήσει κανείς. | Let nobody disturb me. |
Another use of «μην»:
ελληνικά | αγγλικά |
1Δεν κάνει τίποτα, (να) μην ανησυχείς καθόλου. | Forget it, don't worry at all. |
2Όχι, δε χρειάζεται, (να) μην τον λες τίποτα. | No, not necessary, don't tell him anything. |
3Πρέπει να χαιρόμαστε και να μην κλαίμε. | We should enjoy and not complain. |
4Nα τον αγαπάς και να μην τον τρέμεις. | You should love him, and not fear him. |
5Έφυγε για να μην ακούει ούτε να βλέπει κάτι. | He/she left neither to hear not to see something. |
6Μην ξέχασες τίποτε; | Did you forget nothing? (not anything?) |
7Μην είναι τάχα χίμαιρα; | Isn't it a chimera? |
8Kαι πώς να μην τους φανεί παράξενος; | And why doesn't it seem strange for them? |
9Του ρώτησες μην τυχόν αν δεν θα έρθει αύριο; | Did you ask him perhaps if he will not come tomorrow? |
10Μην τυχόν θύμωσες και δε μας το λες; | Did you happen to be angry and don't you tell it to us? |
11Σβήσε το φως, μην θέλω να καλοπληρώσω για ρεύμα. | Turn off the light, I do not want to pay too much for electricity. |
12Nα ακούς προσεχτικά, κι ας μην καταλαβαίνεις τι λένε. | Listen carefully, even if you don't understand what is being said. |
13Πρέπει να μην του πούμε τίποτε. | There is no need to tell him anything. |
14Προκειμένου να μην αργήσεις. | In case you are not too late. |
15Μακάρι να μην ερχόταν! | If only he had not come! |
16Ας μην ήμουν άρρωστος! | I wish I was not sick! |
17Ας μην τέλειωνε πια αυτός ο καλοκαίρι! | If only this summer would not come to an end. |
18Ασε με μην πέσεις! | Don't let me fall! |
- «δεν» and «μην» use in one sentence.
- «όχι», «δεν» and «μην» in one sentence.
- In the sentences 3 and 4 orders have been given.
- The meaning of sentence 5 is basically to walk away angry such as after a command that is not appreciated. This is mostly represented together with the conjunctions «ούτε» and «μήτε» - neither, nor
- «μην», in the sentences 6 en 7 is used in a direct question with the meaning in all likelihood, of presumably or supposedly.
- In sentence 8 «μην» is used in a rhetorical question (an apparent question, of which the answer is already clear)
- In the sentences 9 and 10 «μην» is used in direct and indirect questions. Together with the prepostion «τυχόν» it means eventually, perhaps, coincidentally. The meaning of sentence 9 is to be afraid of something or to fear and sentence 10, in case that.
- In the sentences 11 up to and including 18 the negation is formed together with the verb to express several concepts like pursuing something, something being possible, planning something, suspecting something or something being doubtful, etc.
The particles «να» and «ας» of the subjunctive mood in combination with verb forms of the indicative mood are used to express a hope, a chance, a possibility and a supposition.
The particle «όχι» is used to emphasize a denial (e.g. an answer to a question) or to express a disagreement in a conversation.
ελληνικά | αγγλικά |
1Είτε το θέλουν είτε όχι, πρέπει να πληρώσουν. | Whether they like it or not, they have to pay. |
2Όχι, αυτό δε γίνεται. | No, that is not what will happen. |
3Mένεις μαζί τους; όχι πια. | Are you living together? no not yet. |
4Όχι, μην το κάνεις αυτό! | No, don't do that. |
5Όχι δα, τι μια ιστορία. | Indeed so, quite a story. |
6Όχι βέβαια, δεν είναι αλήθεια! | No, really, it's not the truth! |
7Eσένα θέλω να σε βοηθήσω αλλά το φίλο σου όχι. | I want to help you but not your friend. |
8Υπέμενε όχι μόνο το καλοκαίρι, αλλά και το χειμώνα. | Do not bear only the summer but the winter as well. |
9Πρέπει να καμαρώνουμε (και) όχι να κλαίμε. | We should be proud and not cry. |
10Όχι πως δεν τον πιστεύω, αλλά το υποστηρίζεται ούτως ή άλλως. | Not that I don't believe him, but he support it anyway. |
11Yπάρχει κάποια εξήγηση, ίσως όχι τόσο απλή. | It requires some explanation, which might not be so easy. |
12H ζέστη μ΄ενοχλεί πολύ, όχι το κρύο. | The heat really bothers me, not the cold. |
- Sentence 1 is negative due to the conjunction «είτε» which means whether or not
- In the sentences 2, 3 and 4 the answers are negative.
- The sentences 5 and 6 are expressions with «όχι».
- Sentence 7 is a negative statement preceded by an affirmation.
- In the sentences 8 and 9 «όχι» is followed by a part of speech with «και». First with «αλλά» - but also and in sentence 9 «και» - and has been omitted.
- «όχι» in sentence 10 is used in a negative part of speech of a constrasted negative sentence.
- «όχι» in sentence 11 is used with the adverb «τόσο», which reinforces the meaning: it is very complicated.
- «όχι» in sentence 11 is used as a conjunction.
- Sentences with a verb in the imperative mood can not be made negative. In order to express a command or prohibition the subjunctive is used with the particles «να» or «ας».
- Apart from the use in negative sentences after «να» or «ας», «μην» can be used to express negative commands. In that case, it can not be separated from the verb, except by a weak pronoun:
ελληνικά | αγγλικά |
Να μην κάφεσαι τόση ώρα στον ήλιο! | Don't sit that long in the sunshine! |
Να μην της το ρωτήσεις αυτό! | You should not ask her that! |
Μην της το ρωτήσεις! | Don't ask it her! |
Ας μην της το ρώταγες! | You should not have asked it her! |
Να μη μιλάς για αυτό το θέμα! | Don't talk about this subject! |
Μην αργήσεις! | Don't be late! |
Μη με παρεξηγείς! | Don't get me wrong! |
Μην κάνεις κάτι τέτοιο! | Don't do something like that! |
There is a choice whether to use the particle «να» or not in the subjunctive mood:
ελληνικά | αγγλικά |
(Να) μην της δώσεις άλλα λεφτά. | Don't give her money anymore. |
(Να) μη μου ρωτήσεις αυτό τώρα. | Don't ask me that now. |
(Να) μην της το ρωτήσεις. | You should not ask her. |
Besides the above use, «μη» is also the negative particle of the participle in the present tense:
ελληνικά | αγγλικά |
Μην ξέροντας τι να πει, έφυγε. | Not knowing what to say, he/she left. |
Θέλοντας κι μη, πρέπει να την πιστέψεις. | Whether you like it or not, you should believe her. |
Mη θέλοντας να μας ξυπνήσει, έφυγε. | Unwillingly to wake us he left. |
Mη φοβώντας τίποτε ανέβηκε στο βουνό. | Fearlessly he climbed the mountain. |
The final «-ν» is certainly used when the active present participle begins with one of the abovementioned consonants or combinations.
One single word for a negative command or advice is «μη!» meaning «don't!» which clearly expresses a prohibition or advice.
It is also possible to make sentences negative aided by indefinite pronouns, adverbs and determiners, which express a negative meaning. A few examples are following with the pronouns, adverbs and determiners denoted in italics.
ελληνικά | αγγλικά |
Δεν ήρθε κανείς να με βοηθήσω. | No one came to help me. |
Δεν είδα κανέναν να βγαίνει εδώ. | I did not see anyone go out of here. |
Δεν ήρθε κανένας στην γιορτή του. | No one came to his party. |
* Έφυγε χωρίς να πάρει τίποτα μαζί της. | She left without taking anything. |
Δεν θέλω καθόλου καραμέλα. | I do not want sweets at all. |
Ποτέ δεν είδαμε τόσα πολλά αυτοκίνητα. | We never saw so many cars. |
Ξέρω ότι, δεν θα το κάνω ποτέ. | I know that I will never do it. |
Ούτε εγώ ούτε ο φίλος μου τολμήσαμε να μιλήσουμε. | Neither I nor my friend dared to talk. |
Σε αυτό το μέρος δεν πρέπει ούτε να διαβάσεις ούτε να γράψεις. | In that place you must neither read nor write. |
* Το έκανα ποτέ δίχως καμία βοήθεια. | I never did it without any help |
* Ήρθε στο σπίτι μου χωρίς να τον δει κανείς. | He came to my house without anyone seeing him. |
* The words «κανείς», «καθόλου», «ποτέ», «πουθενά» and «τίποτα» have a negative meaning in sentences without the negative particle.Those sentences have to contain the negative words «χωρίς» or «δίχως» (= without).
«ούτε....ούτε» - neither.... nor can be mentioned with or without negative words.