for the indefinite article in singular a is used. It harmonizes in all genders in form with the number one, but not in meaning.
Singular - ενικός αριθμός
Cases | Masculine | Feminine | Neuter |
1stcase | ένας | μια, μία | ένα |
2nd case | ενός | μιας, μίας | ενός |
4th case | ένα(ν) | μια(ν), μία(ν) | ένα |
To express the gender, mostly of the noun, e.g. as subject
ελληνικά | αγγλικά |
Ένα παιδί πάντα έχει δίκιο. | A child has rights at any time. |
Ο μικρός Αλέξανδρος είναι ένα πολύ ζωηρό παιδί. | Little Alex is a very lively child. |
To indicate a non-specific time:
ελληνικά | αγγλικά |
Ένα καλοκαίρι πήγα στη Σαντορίνη. | On a summer I went to Santorini. |
Μια φορά κι έναν καιρό θα πηγαίνω συχνά στη Σαντορίνη. | Once upon a time I often will go to Santorini. |
In front of a noun of which the quantity has not been fixed:
ελληνικός | αγγλικά |
Θέλω έναν καφέ με ζάχαρη και ένα νερό. | I want a coffee with sugar and a glass of water. |
Ένα μιλκ σέικ και ένα καλαμάκι, παρακαλώ. | I would like a milkshake with a drinking straw, please. |
It can be applied to a number of pronouns such as «άλλος», «τέτοιος», and «δικός μου/σου/του»
ελληνικά | αγγλικά |
Ένα τέτοιο γεγονός με αφήνει έκπληκτη. | Such an event leaves me amazed behind. |
Ο Μανόλης δεν θέλει το δικό σου αυτοκίνητο, θέλει ένα δικό του. | Manolis does not want your car he wants one of his own. |
ελληνικά | αγγλικά |
Έχω μια πείνα. | I'm hungry. |
Είναι μια καλή δασκάλα. | She is a good teacher. |
Βλέπουμε μια ταινία στην τηλεόραση. | We watch a movie on TV. |
Έρχεται ένος φίλος της Πόπης. | A friend of Popi will come. |
Παίρνω μία τρομάρα! | I'm afraid! |
Θέλω μια άσπρη μπλούζα. | I want a white blouse. |
The indefinite article has no plural form
Indefinite pronouns in plural are used instead, such as in:
- «Μερικοί Έλληνες δεν είναι αναγνώστες». - Some Greeks are no readers.
In MG the indefinite articles are often omitted:
- after the verbs to be - «είμαι» and to become - «γίνομαι» + noun or adjective, whilst it is sometimes used in English in those cases.
- when the subject and direct object appear together in a verb phrase it mostly will be without a definite article
ελληνικά | αγγλικά |
Ο Μανόλης είναι εργάτης. | Manolis is a laborer. |
Είναι φίλος της. | He is a friend of hers. |
Ο Μανόλης είναι Έλληνας. | Manolis is a Greek. |
Ο Μανόλης είναι φίλος μου. | Manolis is a friend of mine. |
Το δελφίνι είναι θηλαστικό. | The dolphin is a mammal. |
Είναι δικηγόρος. | He is a lawyer. |
Έγινε καθηγητής. | He became professor |
Τον λένε Μανόλη. | His name is Manolis. (They call him Manolis) |
Δε γίνεται τίποτα. | Nothing will happen. |
The indefinite article is omitted in the following sentences:
- When the subject in the form of a noun, possibly preceded by an adjective, does not denote a tangible person or abstraction, See sentences 1, 2, and 3.
- When there are journalistic reasons at an abstract subject, as in sentence 4
- When a question, a denial or a supposition is expressed, as in sentences 5, 6 and 7.
- When we want to emphasize the type of the object in the verbphrase and not a specific object, as in sentences 8, 9 en 10.
ελληνικά | αγγλικά |
1Έχεις φρέσκο ψάρι; | Do you have fresh fish? |
2Χύθηκα κόκκινο κρασί στον καναπέ. | Red win has been spilled on the couch. |
3Υπάρχουν καλοί λόγοι γιατί να μην πάμε. | There are good reasons why we are not going. |
4Άντρας σκότωσε τη γυναίκα του. | Man kills wife. |
5Έχετε οικογένεια; | Do you have family? |
6Δεν μιλώ ιταλικά. | I don't speak Italian. |
7Αν είχα λεφτά, θα ήθελα να το αγοράσω | If I had money, I'd buy it. |
8Διαβάζω εφημερίδα. | I read the newspaper |
9Σπουδάζει φυσική. | He / she is studying physics. |
10Μυρίζεις μυρουδιά. | You smell of perfume. |
The definite article is omitted in the following cases:
- When a noun is the subject and denotes a part of a whole such as in the phrases
1 + 2.- When a subject object denotes a part of a whole such as in the phrases 3 + 4.
- In the sentences 5, 6 and 7 the word «σαν» is used and the article may be omitted unless a specific person or thing is meant.
- In many sentences, as shown in 8, 9 and 10, in which is a preposition is used together in a clause with a noun, if the preposition indicates no particular meaning.
ελληνικά | ολλανδικά |
1Ένα κομμάτι ψωμί. | A piece of bread. |
2Ένα μπουκάλι νερό. | A bottle of water. |
3Μ'αρπέσει να τρώω ψάρι. | I like to eat fish. |
4Χύθηκα νερό στο τραπέζι. | I spilled water on the table. |
5Tον αγαπάει σαν αδελφό της. | She loves him like a brother. |
6Σαν γνωστός μού φάνηκες. | He posed as an acquaintance of mine. |
7Σαν διευθυντής της εταιρείας, ήταν πολύ αυστηρός | As director of the company he was very stern. |
8Το γραφείο μας έχει κατά προσέγγιση ένα εκατομμύριο σε πωλήσεις | Our firm has about a million of sales. |
9Η κακή συμπεριφορά του τον έβαλε σε μπελάδες. | His bad behavior discommoded him. |
10Έκανε με προθυμία ό,τι του ζήτησα. | He was willing to do what I asked him. |
ελληνικά | αγγλικά |
σπουδάζω μουσική | studying music |
παίζω πιάνο | playing piano |
παίζω κιθάρα | playing guitar |
δηλώνω συμμετοχή | declaring participation / involvement |
σε τελευταία ανάλυση | in the last analysis |
από επιστημονική άποψη | from a scientific perspective |
σε κοινωνικό επίπεδο | on a social level |
Omitting an articles in fixed actions
In many more or less fixed acts and events consisting of a verb and one of the noun or object forms, the pronoun is not accompanied by an article. The verbs appearing the most in these expressing are «έχω» - to be and «κάνω» - to make, to do, some examples are:
ελληνικά | αγγλικά |
δεν έχω ιδέα | to have no idea |
δεν έχω καιρό (να) | to have no time |
δεν έχω διάθεση (να) | I'm not in the mood to... |
έχω δίκιο και έχεις άδικο! | I'm right and you are wrong! |
έχω πονοκέφαλο | to have a headache |
έχω σκοπό (να) | to plan (he is planning to do... |
έχω χρέος (να) | to have an obligation to ... |
έχει μεγάλη σημασία | it is very important |
έχω πεποίθηση (σε) | to believe in (to be convinced of ...) |
έχω εμπιστοσύνη σε | to have confidence in ... |
κάνω εμετό | to vomit, vomiting |
κάνω εντύπωση | to have the impression |
κάνει ζέστη | it is hot |
κάνω μάθημα | to have class |
κάνω μπάνιο | bathe (also: swim) |
κάνω νόημα σε | to be of the opinion, to opine |
μπαίνω στο νόημα | beginning to realize |
κάνω φασαρία | quarrel, broil, pull caps/wigs |
ελληνικά | αγγλικά |
1μέσω Θεσσαλονίκης | via Thessaloniki |
2μέσω Αλεξανδρούπολης | via Alexandropolis |
3λόγος υπάρξεως | the sense of existence |
4άδεια οδηγήσεως | driving license |
5δελτίο ταυτότητος | identity card, ID card |
6υπάλληλος τράπεζης | bank employee |
7το Πανεπιστήμιο Πάτρας | University of Patras |
8το Ίδρυμα Κώστα και Ελένης Ουράνη | Foundation Kostas and Eleni Ourani |
9η οδός Μιαούλη | Miaouli street |
10ο Δήμος Ξάνθης | municipality Xanthi |
In sentence 1 + 2, after the preposition via - «μέσω» the genitive is used and the article is omitted.
The same applies to the expressions in the sentences 3, 4, 5 and 6, in which the second part of the clause appears in the katharevousa-form, as we see in the following words: «υπάρξεως», «οδηγήσεως», «τραπέζης» en «ταυτότητος».
The article is not used in the names of streets and institutions, see the clauses 7, 8, 9 and 10.